
Chapter Officers

President  / MICHAEL COLLINS / President@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

Vice President / DEMETRICE JENNINGS INGRAM / VicePresident@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

Treasurer / SHELLEY McCRAY / Treasurer@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

Financial Secretary / NIKKI HERRING-JACKSON / FinancialSecretary@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

Recording Secretary / LAKENDRIA WOODS / President@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

Corresponding Secretary / TONIA COLLINS / CorrespondingSecretary@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

Chaplain / OSCAR SCOTT, III / Chaplain@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

Parliamentarian / OPEN / Parliamentarian@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org


Chapter Committee Chairs


Scholarship / DR. KENYA JOHNSON-GILLIARD / Scholarship@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

Membership / KIMBERLY SHAW / Membership@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

Fundraising / JOHNNY McCRAY / Fundraising@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

Publicity / JAMES DEVINE / Publicity@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

1887 / JACQUES MEADOWS / 1887@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

Community Affairs & Outreach / LASHANDRA NEWTON-SPAN, Ph.D / CommunityAffairs@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

ByLaws / Donna K. Allen / ByLaws@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org

GOVERNMENT RELATIONS / ISIS DUKES / GovernmentRelations@FAMUAtlantaAlumni.org


Overview Of Committees

One of the current efforts of the 1887 Committee is partnering with the Office of Alumni Affairs and other NAA Chapters to restore the Gibbs Cottage and transform it to the new Alumni house through financial and furniture donations and volunteer labor resources.

Built in 1894, Gibbs Cottage is the oldest building on campus. It was originally the residence of the first Vice President of the University and legislative representative, Thomas Van Renssalaer Gibbs, whose idea it was to establish the State Normal College for Colored Students.

Altha Manning, Executive Director of the Office of Alumni Affairs states: "It is imperative that we preserve this part of our legacy. Thus, this project is a large undertaking for the restoration of a historic structure which has served the university in many capacities for more than 112 years.

Thanks to our partners in construction, Alumni and friends of Florida A & M University, the makeover of Gibbs Cottage will be a historic event. This structure will be recognized all over the country as a major historic preservation initiative which provides an "Alumni Place" of which all FAMUANS and friends can be proud.

To become a part of the 1887 Committee or to find out more on how you can help with the Gibbs Cottage restoration or other endeavors, please send an email to 1887@famuatlantaalumni.org
The Fundraising Committee's major purpose is to raise funds for the Chapter's scholarships donations and general operating activities. The Committee has several signature events including a Jazz Brunch, Crab Boil, and Golf Tournament during the Atlanta Football Classic. The Fundraising Committee is also sponsoring a Capital Campaign in which donors can determine exactly where they want the funds to go, from scholarships to band uniforms.

2012 Fundraising Activities raised over $15,000 to benefit our Scholarship Committee Fund and be used towards Freshman Scholarships, need-based awards, campus tours and bus trips, book scholarships, Marching 100 Summer Band Camp scholarships and more!

To volunteer with the Fundraising Committee or if you have a great fundraising idea, please contact us at fundraising@famuatlantaalumni.org
The Membership Committee serves to recruit, retain and reward financial members of the Chapter. Additionally, the Committee is responsible for creating social activities to maintain camaraderie amongst Metro-Atlanta Rattlers.

Annual activities include recruitment drives, participation at Chapter events to establish a presence, membership rewards, and membership welfare and support. Our 2014 Membership Drive plays an important role in the ongoing excellence at FAMU.

FAMU alumni and friends have the unique opportunity to support their alma mater through their actions, ideas and innovations!

We encourage you to consider joining the alumni association and assist our beloved university thrive towards excellence! The knowledge you acquired. The skills you honed. The friends you made. That's what supporting your alma mater is about. It is about creating opportunities for the students of today and tomorrow to enjoy the rewarding academic and personal experiences that FAMU has to offer.

To become a part of the Membership Committee and assist in hosting a membership event, making renewal phone calls, or soliciting donations for membership prizes, please send an email to membership@famuatlantaalumni.org
The Publicity Committee is responsible for getting the word out on chapter events, meetings and other gatherings via various outlets and media as well as assisting other committees with marketing their events.We want to ensure that everyone is aware of our activities so that all can participate.

If you are interested in volunteering with the Publicity Committee, please contact us at publicity@famuatlantaalumni.org
The Scholarship Committee is responsible for the active and continuous recruitment of students to FAMU.

Additionally, the Chapter issues thousands in scholarship awards each year and the Committee oversees the process from application distribution to recipient selection. The Scholarship Committee also hosts an annual Freshman Reception for all Rattlers entering FAMU in the Fall. Recruitment Fairs & Events The Scholarship Committee is seeking volunteers to assist at upcoming college fairs. Volunteers can opt for a shift or the entire event and will be provided all materials and an overview of the FAQs by students.

If you are interested in either of these, or assisting with the committee sometime in the future, please contact us at scholarship@famuatlantaalumni.org
The Community Affairs & Outreach Committee is responsible for ensuring the Chapter has a far reaching impact within the Metro-Atlanta community. This committee shall render an impact that will affect the Metro-Atlanta area and support those in need in the community in which we live.

To volunteer with the Community Affairs Committee or if you have a great community service idea, please contact us at communityaffairs@famuatlantaalumni.org
The Government Relations Committee is responsible for influencing the government on local, state and federal levels to positively influence Florida A&M University.

To volunteer with the Government Relations, please contact us at GovernmentRelations@famuatlantaalumni.org
The ByLaws committee reviews and recommends changes to the Metro Atlanta Chapter bylaws. Bylaws are the rules that govern the chapter's operations and activities.

To join the ByLaws committee, please contact us at ByLaws@famuatlantaalumni.org